Now You Can Get My Entire Training
**For More Than HALF OFF!**
Start trading with banks!
Watch The Video
Watching this video on trading Forex, crypto, metals, stocks and more might just be the smartest thing you can do if you are an aspiring trader.
Too many people lose their money when they trade financial markets.
Learn how the biggest banks trade so you can easily win more trades.
Find out step by step how to STOP getting tricked in and out of trades by the MONEY ELITE …and get in on trades with them instead so you can pocket a LOT more wins quicker and easier than ANYTHING you’ve ever tried before.
Dear trader,
How much is knowing how to read on the charts what banks and institutions do to enter and exit trades for profit in the Forex and financial markets worth to you?
Suppose you could walk up to any chart, identify points of interest in price action and know ahead of time where banks will push price to next.
Imagine …instead of guessing where price action is going to go, you’ll be able to “spot” exactly what banks and institutions are doing (and are most likely to do next) – just by looking at the chart!
Sounds too good to be true?
Well, it isn’t if you have the right training.
Knowing What The Big Players Are Up To In The Markets Is The Most Powerful Skill You Could Ever Learn As A Trader.
Instead of entering a trade (only as fast as price moves against you) –putting you in draw down for hours and even days, you won’t be fooled by their psychological antics anymore.
Simply put, banks make their money by taking yours when you trade. That’s why they flood the marketplace with misleading books and classes about how to trade the markets using retail trading concepts.
So if you know what they ACTUALLY do to take money in the markets and how price action is manipulated and how the algorithms work, you can join them and WIN a LOT more of your trades.
But Decoding How Banks And Institutions Actually Trade Against You Is The Hard Part…
It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that unlocks the mystery of how banks trade so you can do what they do – while others fall flat on their face.
But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with a professional trading plan and strategy, you can now have it inside a new training called…
introducing our brand NEW TRAINING
How To Trade Without Blowing Your Account
At last!
Every “Bank Trading” Secret They Don’t Want You To Know is Here!
But don’t take my word for it, here’s what customers are saying about this unique trading system:
Your methods are accurate. When I enter a trade based on your instructions, I am still shocked every time when I’m right, even though I feel like I’m on the wrong side of the trade, and I am right a lot. It just still shocks me every time.
Greg Baskin// VA
This has unlocked the mysteries behind how to predict price action for me. After some back testing I can confidently say that your ways of trading have been the best I have back tested.
Keith Langston // NY
This is exactly what I have been looking for. You remove all emotion and guesswork, get to the point, show us how to do it, and give us the tools to do it.
George Weber// IL

I know you’re probably still skeptical and a bit on the conservative side, but think about this – if you are currently losing and you keep trading as you have been over and over again – you’ll only succeed in getting the same results. That’s why I want to let you try out my proven trading system – completely and totally risk-free! (I’ll tell you about my unique guarantee in a moment).
Which One Of These Powerful Secrets Could You Use To Win A Lot More Trades And Make Greater Gains?
The written, video, and audio lessons are divided into 7 comprehensive sections:
# 1 - Psychology, Money Management, And Portfolio Growth
How to select the right broker.
How to manage your account.
Scalping And Swing Trades How to make long and short term trades with a higher than average return on investments.– AND…with little to no draw down and with little to no-risk.
Stocks, metals, indices, Forex, and cryptocurrencies included.
# 2 - The Interbank Quantum Fractional Price Delivery Algorithmic Cycle
Discover the little-known banking price action algorithm.
Learn to identify and exploit this price action cycle.
Walk up to any chart and accurately predict what price will do next.
As long as 90% of retail traders keep losing, this system will never change.
Banks have very few moves they use.
Profit from these simple exploits for years to come.
# 3 - Setting Up Your Charts The Banker Way
Learn How To Read Naked Charts.
“Retail” Indicators like Stochastic, which rely on historical data instead of current data, do not provide a real-time picture of what's going on in the market and are merely designed to distract, confuse and trap traders.
Discover our interbank quantum price delivery algorithm strategies and you'll be able to make consistent profits without using a single indicator. – BUT … if you insist on using indicators then you will find out the only three you will ever need.
# 4 - High Probability Price Points
Avoid Draw-down.
Never get caught in a trap trade again.
Learn how to get near perfect trade entries.
Pinpoint right down to the one minute chart when to enter powerful trades that move quickly in your favor.
Get in and out of trades quickly or hold your trades for massive profits. You decide.
(Hey, I am semi-retired and only make a couple of trades per month and don't like waiting for trades to play out. I got into this business to have time and money freedom and like having the days to do whatever I want so I’m in and out of trades and counting my blessings.)
Use this strategy to put your portfolio in the blue quickly!
# 5 - Times of Day Algorithms Make Their Moves
Banker Candlestick Patterns And Price Action Setups.
Find out the not so commonly known banker and institutional patterns and setups that occur in price action on the charts.
Stop ending up on the wrong side of a trade and get into a lot more profits instead.
Be done trading after just a couple of hours a couple of times a day or however and how much you want.
# 6 - Liquidity, Order Blocks, Mitigation & Imbalance
Learn how to read what the charts are institutionally communicating financially with candlesticks.
How to identify powerful price points in the marketplace to enter highly profitable trades.
Where price is likely to trade towards (why and when), and more.
# 7 - The Bank Trading Strategy
The infamous “sweeper” setup.
How to identify the master candlestick pattern that reveals when price will reverse.
Dramatically reduce your chances of getting caught on the wrong side of a trade!
Find out how you can get in on trades as near as possible to the high's and lows before price reverses, and more!
OK, So What’s The Cost Of This Incredible Training?
Well, realize that this specialized training package could easily sell for tens of thousands of dollars. In fact, if you asked a top expert, like myself, to train you IN PERSON, you’d be charged a minimum $150,000 – not including travel expenses, lodging, food, etc.
(I currently charge a minimum of $17,000 for one on one virtual mentor-ship alone). So at bare bones minimum you’re getting thousands of dollars worth of little-known bank and institutional trading strategies at your disposal.
But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum project price. In fact, your total investment for “Trade With Banks” training package and lifetime Discord membership (complete with real time interaction with me) is just $3,887.
So what’s the catch? Why am I practically giving this resource away?
Well, it’s really quite simple. I am tired of sitting back and letting the system continue to beat the people. Like you, I struggled to trade and make consistent profits. I blew so many accounts I don’t care to admit. It wasn’t until I met a dealer who showed me the ropes - even though they aren’t supposed to – AND … it changed my life.
I went from losing trades, blowing accounts, and screaming at my computer screen for hours to walking up to a chart at specific times of day, entering a trade or two, and then going about the rest of my day to do whatever I want – with more money in my pocket!
No staring at charts for hours.
No guesswork.
No hassles.
No stress!
If I want, I can also grab my phone, open up my trading app, and scalp the markets anytime and anywhere to pocket some quick cash or crypto.
I sincerely believe there is no other business in the world that can offer you financial rewards as quickly and as easily as forex, metals, indices and crypto trading.
–BUT …the game is rigged against you. And since I figured it out I thought that it’s fair to share it with others because they would like to know what I know so they can stop getting burnt by the big banks, too.
3 Free Bonuses For Ordering By As Soon As Tonight
FREE BONUS # 1: MT4 Chart Templates
Don’t know how to set up your charts? No problem. You will get instant access to chart templates that are pre-programmed and ready for you to plug in and go! Get the same chart setup automatically that successful professional traders use at the click of a button so you can focus on trading without wasting hours figuring out how to set your chart up the right way.
FREE BONUS # 2: Money Magnet Mind (Audio)
Good thinking habits about money and investments are important to you and your financial future. Without the right mindset, you could unknowingly sabotage your success in your dealing with money causing you miserable pain, loss, and frustration.
Put together by a certified hypnotherapist, you also get a full 30-minute subconscious brain programming audio meditation program designed to turn your mind into a money magnet.
Sit back in your favorite lounge chair, sofa, or hammock or listen to it when lying down to go to sleep and let the audio do all the work.
This powerful program uses sound wave technology that allows your mind to automatically form good attitudes, behaviors, beliefs and thoughts about money. Works with any device including tablets and smartphones and has multiple health benefits too long to list here.
FREE BONUS # 3: Live Trading Sessions (recorded)
Almost two decades ago I followed the instructions on my friend's computer and learned how to trade on the foreign exchange. I made a lot of money, but at first it was hard to remember all of the things I had to do.
Now, I know it may not be easy to do the exact opposite of everything that the ‘experts’ and “gurus” say but when I was starting out in trading, everything was confusing.
All of the information that is out there is conflicting. Everyone tells you different things and all of it is overwhelming. None of it really seemed to work. And if you’re brand new, like I was, getting started is even more of a challenge.
So I've put together a package for you that lets you see me trading live in action so you can reference them anytime you need to watch them and get a feel for what it is like.
Watch me show you how industry-leading traders trade the markets with an elegant and powerful method, developed from more than a decade of testing.
Together these bonuses will take your trading to the advanced level and beyond your investment in “Trade With Banks” strategy – but they’re all yours absolutely free when you order by as soon as today.
Look at it this way -- $3,887 is really a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you're going to waste on ineffective robots, indicators, guru scammers, and losing retail methods this year. That's why...
You Really Can't Afford Not To Invest In The Trade With Banks Training!
Start Learning How To Trade With Banks
Get ready to learn the forbidden secrets to trading that the market makers, banks, and institutions don’t want you to know.
Since first being introduced in 2001 to Forex trading and the MT4 platform (shout out to you old school retail traders out there), I’ve perfected a system for trading Forex, stocks, indices, metals, crypto's and I learned it from an elite New York dealer in 2012. It still works, has worked for decades, and continues to work in every currency pair or market, on all time frames, for any trader, whether beginner or professional.
I have taken a lot of time to come up with what I have have been using to fill-in-all-the missing pieces, and to do the numerous back-tests and real world/real money trading. I have done this live for audiences up to 28,000+ people.
If you use my method then you are sure to experience more pleasure with trading than you ever thought possible.
Relax! You are about to discover a whole new, exciting world of endless enjoyment that you're going to cherish forever!So, if you're reading this page and haven't ordered yet, my research tells me it's because of only 4 possible reasons (click on reasons below that apply):
Oh my, are you in for a shock! My methods totally defy the traditional approaches, which is one reason why they work so well. These are completely different ways to have unforgettable success by using unique, yet easy to use institutional trading strategies that you've ever heard of or tried before. They're also proven successful by my students. I dare ANYBODY to honestly tell me that they can't learn something new or sharpen their "trading" skills with this material!
Look at the comments. Join our discord. Find our members. Ask them about their experience with us. They are crushing it in the markets.
Actually, I (along with many of our current happy and successful students) have been where you are. A little afraid to make the move for fear of not doing the right thing, not sure about what will happen, not knowing what to do to change the situation, etc. I've been through years of hurt, frustration, and loss that you may be facing right now.
Good news! This collection of materials is the answer you've been waiting for! All you have to do is TRY them with my step-by-step instructions. It doesn't matter what your account size is or what your experiences have been in the past. Just follow my guidelines and you WILL see results. I guarantee it. Take advantage of my money back guarantee and start having the kind of trading profits that you deserve!
You can't afford NOT to invest in this value-packed online training package. Isn't your happiness worth at least $3,887 to you? You could easily blow this with one click to use a "trading script" that blows your account when you sleep or a less than fruitful return on investment using traditional trading strategies with nothing to show for it but more frustration, loss and pain. You'll never regret parting with this measly amount when you find out just how much wins and profits is waiting for you.
Make sure you enroll NOW because if you put this off, chances are you'll forget... and all the available slots will be gone. With the 100% satisfaction guarantee and this great offer, YOU CAN'T LOSE!
Yes! Nathan! I want access to your training today! On that basis, I am ready to...